Policies, Terms & Conditions
Create an order
For creating an order, customer will have to create an account by registering with a valid phone number, email, and address.
Need to check the given info (product,spec,picture, policy etc) before placing the order. Address must be specified, like: flat, house, road, nearest landmark, Area, Thana & District Select the product with QTY. Select proper payment option. For EMI, need to select the EMI activation.
Step 1: Log in to your Transcom Digital account. If you don’t have an account, please ensure to register.
Step 2: Find you desired product by searching it or selecting it from the Product Category.
Step 3: Next, select your desired product and click on ADD TO CART. Check the specifications before ordering.
Step 4: To complete order, go to cart by clicking on Your Cart.
Step 5: Provide your delivery address. Don’t forget to provide the details such as flat number, floor, etc.
Step 6: Review your selection and check specifications. Check the product, model and number again. Provide coupon if you have any. Then click on CHECKOUT.
Step 7: After pressing on the “CHECKOUT” Button, you will see this page, fill up those required fields & choose your favored Payment Method & press “PLACE ORDER”.
Step 8: In short time, a mail will be sent to your email. Upon placing order, our customer service will arrange for the payment process and other things. A customer service executive will contact you for further confirmation and for completing the payment process.
Step 9: For Online Payment you will see this page, input your Card Number, Card Expiry Date, Security Code & Cardholder Name into those boxes then “PAY NOW”.
Step 10: Then OTP will be generated and sent to your phone/email. Input the OTP into this box & Click “SUBMIT OTP”
Step 11: After Submitting OTP, if transaction is successful, you will see the ORDER NUMBER.
Verify & confirm an order
When a customer has placed order, our agent will check the order about stock status, delivery location, payment etc. If all the mentioned parameters are ok then our agent will call to the customer for order confirmation. All the personal info must be valid for order verification. In case of no response from customer (within 72 hours), low stock, rural areas, national crisis or web technical glitch, order may be cancelled within 24 hours. For an online payment, we will verify your transaction through bank portal. In case of no payment record found, it will be considered as no payment. Customer must pay before or during delivery in such case.
Return and replacement
Broken/ Dent item- In case of any accidental damage that caused by the delivery partner the product shall return to the warehouse and the damaged item will be replaced with fresh product after proper investigation of the damaged product. Please note that the Investigation may take 10-15 days. *** In case the investigation team finds out that the damage occurred by the customer, the product shall not be replaced.
For mobile- After unboxing, if the product is found defective then customer shall visit to the nearest authorized service center for resolution. Service center will investigate your problem and resolve accordingly.
Most purchase from Transcom Digital can be returned and replaced instantly, depending on product type, stock and location. However, there are some conditions for product return:
- Unopened
- Price tag still attached (if there is any)
- No sign of use.
In case of replacing a product, as an example, if you have ordered a 1-ton AC but when our installation team installed your ac, you see that it is insufficient for the room area, or our team suggests you to get 1.5-ton ac instead of 1-ton because it will be more suitable for your room, and you agree, now the product can be replaced upon mutual agreement. For replacement, you will have to pay the additional cost and charges for when the replaced product costs more than the first one, in vice-versa case, amount will be adjusted and refunded accordingly.
***Please note that you have to pay that extra charge via online/POS. Payment on delivery is not applicable in that case.
Cancelling an order
An order may cancel for identical duplicate orders, as it is often placed by mistake. Order may be cancelled due to low stock. In such case customer, will be notified within 24 hours and payment adjustment will be done accordingly.
You can cancel an order under certain terms and conditions as following. Before cancellation, please check your order status from your account.
- Please note that your orders on transcomdigital.com can only be cancelled before the order status are in “Shipped” mode. If you want to cancel your order even after the “Shipped” status, you have to return the product and apply for refund. Please note that we will adjust the shipping charge for paid order or customer need to pay same in cash for Cash on Delivery (COD).
- Please also note that sometimes orders may get cancelled by Transcom Digital because of limited stock, national crisis or any kind of technical glitch (price, offer etc.)
- Transcom Digital holds the right to cancel any order for any logical reason at any point of time, without any prior notice. A notification will be sent to the customer is such case and the necessary refund/further steps will be taken accordingly.
Paying for Your Order
Payment method for an item will be determined at the time of shipping the product to the buyer’s address, or confirming the item’s availability in the outlet. For products requiring special-delivery, Transcom Digital will change the buyer’s payment method and charge the additional applicable amount upon his/her confirmation of the delivery time. The order amount will be pre-authorized by us (including for pre-orders) with the buyer’s payment method when he/she places the order. This may however have an effect on the buyer’s available credit line. In case of the expiry of a preauthorization of a pre-order prior to its fulfillment, the preauthorization will stand cancelled and a fresh preauthorization will be issued aligning with the confirmed availability date. Transcom Digital reserves the right to suspend all deliveries where payment is not received, or in accordance with any alternative arrangement which shall be agreed between the Company and the buyer.