Transcom celebrates success

The castle that hosted the Transcom event[/caption] During the last decade, the company has provided top-class customer care management to clients in the telecommunication, financial services, automotive and retail industries. Today, Transcom Poland is the leader in the field of fostering high-quality relations between companies and their customers, contributing to our clients reaching favorable positions in customer service rankings. During the official gala, representatives from Transcom presented plans for the future. As a result of developing the company’s Polish centers into a new “multilingual hub”, Transcom Poland will become a true global CRM center, offering our international clients top-class customer care services for users spread throughout Europe, in many different languages.
The 10th anniversary greetings[/caption] Our guests were also able to hear about the company’s positive influence on local communities. Anna Wasilewska, the senior level representative of the regional administration, who was present at the meeting, commented “I am very pleased that companies such as Transcom are creating jobs in our region. Young people here will have an opportunity to start successful careers. Congratulations on 10 years of excellent work in Poland”.